New meta-analysis finds Perspectum’s non-invasive MRI biomarker cT1 is an effective alternative to biopsy for identifying patients at high risk of liver disease progression

January 12, 2022
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OXFORD, England – January 2022. A new meta-analysis study published in the peer-reviewed journal, Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, found that LiverMultiScan® cT1 (corrected T1) - a novel, MRI-based clinically relevant biomarker - can accurately identify patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) who are at a high risk of disease progression. Several prior studies have shown that cT1 is a non-invasive and reliable clinical indicator of the progression from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) to its more aggressive form, NASH. This study, which pooled data from five large, international, observational studies, confirms these results. The study findings support the use of LiverMultiScan as the preferred tool to stratify patients with suspected NASH.

The estimated global prevalence of NAFLD in adults is 25%. In the U.S., one in three adults have NAFLD, and its untreated progression accounts for a growing proportion of cirrhosis and hepatocellular cancer. The ability to diagnose and intervene early is crucial to prevent disease progression, improve patient health outcomes and reduce future health care costs. Liver biopsy, the current gold-standard for diagnosing and monitoring chronic liver disease, is an invasive diagnostic that can result in patient discomfort and health complications. This new study is significant as it demonstrates that LiverMultiScan is a clinically accurate and non-invasive alternative diagnostic for identifying patients with disease activity at the point where the disease is still modifiable.

“With the prevalence of NAFLD across the world rising, the ability to identify patients in the earlier stages of the disease, as well as to recommend best practices for managing their disease with lifestyle modifications and potential additional treatments, is of paramount importance,” stated Dr. Andrea Dennis, a lead author on the paper.

The 543 patients included in the pooled meta-analysis generally had two or more risk factors for NASH, such as obesity or type 2 diabetes, had been referred to hepatology with suspected NAFLD for further assessment, and were from multiple sites across Asia, Europe, and North America. The study authors observed high diagnostic performance of cT1 despite heterogeneous clinical pathways and a relatively low overall prevalence of high-risk NASH among the patients studied. These conditions represent a close reflection of what would be observed in a real-world NAFLD care setting.

Dr. Stephen Harrison, a contributing primary investigator, remarked, “The key takeaway from this study is that LiverMultiScan has the potential to be a disruptive test in the NAFLD pathway . Both primary and secondary care clinicians should be made more aware of this breakthrough technology and its potential.”

Read the full paper here.

About Perspectum

Perspectum, a global medical technology company with offices in the U.K., the U.S., Portugal and Singapore, delivers leading digital technologies that help clinicians provide better care for patients with chronic metabolic diseases, multi-organ pathology and cancer. With a strong focus on precision medicine using advanced imaging and genetics, our vision is to empower patients and clinicians through quantitative assessments of health enabling early detection, diagnosis and targeted treatment. With a diverse team of physicians, biomedical scientists, engineers and technologists, Perspectum offers a way to manage complex health problems at scale.

For Further Information

Nellie Wild 
VP Corporate Affairs

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