Seeing and measuring hepatobiliary disease using artificial intelligence, presented by Perspectum at RSNA 2019

November 14, 2019
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Oxford, 14 Nov 2019. Perspectum will be showcasing the application of Artificial Intelligence in their FDA-cleared, quantitative imaging services — LiverMultiScan for liver tissue characterization and MRCP+ for biliary tree visualization — at RSNA’s annual meeting this year.

Perspectum’s co-founder, Professor Sir Michael Brady, will show how machine learning can be integrated with LiverMultiScan and MRCP+ to enhance disease detection with improved precision, and potentially monitor disease progression. A total of four abstracts highlighting the utility of Perspectum’s technology will be presented at RSNA.

Details of the presentations are listed below:

Oral presentations

  • A Machine Learning Pipeline for Automatic Multi-Site-Vendor Quantitative MRI Analysis of the Liver | SSE09-01 | Monday, 3:00 PM – 3:10 PM | Room N230B
  • Quantitative Biliary Tree Imaging by MRI: A Novel Method of Assessing Change Over Time in Hepatobiliary Disease via MRCP | SSG14-03 | Tuesday, 10:50 AM – 11:00 AM | Room S504AB
  • Diagnosis of Pediatric Liver Diseases with Multiparametric MRI and Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) Analysis | RC413-02 | Tuesday, 3:20 PM – 3:30 PM | Room E353B

Poster presentation

  • Assessing the Accuracy, Reproducibility and Repeatability of Novel
  • Quantitative Approach to MRCP Imaging | IN005-EB-SUB | Sunday 1:00 PM – 1:30 PM | Learning Center

Quantitative biliary tree imaging with MRCP+ reveals differences between AIH and PSC patients (images above). PSC patients show a significant increase in biliary tree strictures and dilatations between baseline and 1-year follow up, which is not observed in AIH patients.

"Monitoring progression of this unpredictable disease remains a major challenge for clinicians managing PSC patients. By objectively quantifying changes in the bile ducts, MRCP+ yields additional information to conventional MRCP. PSC Support is encouraged by this technology and we hope that it can help to reduce uncertainty for patients." – Martine Walmsley, PSC Support

Visit Perspectum at booth #10112 in the AI showcase to find out more. To reserve a meeting or connect with the team, contact us.

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